MStar™ School Expert System

MStar provides an integrated academic and administrative platform that aids in the development of your institution. By providing near-real-time data, alerting and reporting, from source, it aids in Student Centric Services, Remedial Programs as well as Predictive & Corrective Analytics some of which are discussed below.

MStar improves efficiency of school administration and provides real-time high quality data for decision support, directly impacting student and institution success. In order to enhance the data quality and also collect data that is amenable for decision support, taking into consideration the underlying infrastructure constraints, MStar needs to be implemented in each school in the country. MStar enabled both academic and administrative functions, based on your States policies and mandate. Institution level and student level metrics can be provided to better enable your state to enhance educational standards and outcomes. Collection of student health metrics leads to better delivery of inter-related services through Department of Health & Others.

Key systems in MStar

  • Student lifecycle services with respect to enrollment, admission, attendance, CCE-based performance / assessment, and health metrics
  • Teacher services (regular as well as substitute or temporary) with respect to attendance, progress of the curriculum and lesson plans in the classroom, conduct of assessments
  • School services with respect to profile, underlying infrastructure, scheme implementation details
  • Establish the linkages between student and teacher performance
  • Integrate with school boards, school regulation bodies, and other related agencies in the school education ecosystem
  • Provide visibility of student, teacher, school performance to parents, community, and administrators
  • Enable parents and community to provide inputs on the student, teacher, and school particulars that enable validation of the data received from schools thereby enhancing the quality of data
  • Library Management Services
  • Laboratory Management Services
  • School Management Committees
  • Hostel Management Services
  • Event Management Services
  • Extracurricular activity management and assessment Services
  • Accounts / Assets related Services
  • Inventory &Stores among several others
  • Student Management: Maintain the student records such as student profile, parent profile, siblingdetails, attendance, heath, mark sheets, scholarships etc.
  • Student Attendance: Capture daily student attendance
  • Leave Management: Capture daily staff attendance
  • Report Cards: Provide interface to record grades for students and publish the same in a grade book.
  • Curriculum Tracking: Capture the curriculum & lesson plans and record the progress of the Curriculum & lesson plans
  • Custom Reports: Provide reports for School Management & Administrators
  • School Management: Record the details of the school such as student strength, area of the school, staff strength, photographs and a brief description of the school
  • Employee Information: Manage school staff details.

Teacher Life Cycle Management Services

MStar SES aids in recruitment, teacher eligibility tests (TET), payroll, administration of postings, transfers, records of deployment on non- academic duties, seniority lists, promotions, retirement, pensions, awards, availability of all orders/ circulars issued by the administrative departments etc.

Services related to recruitment right from receiving the applications, verification, assignment of examination centers, issue of hall tickets, and publishing of results are available

Teacher Rationalization Services

MStar helps your institution meet the Right to Education mandate by helping you plan and make available teachers across the system. Teacher rationalization services derive from the student, teacher and school details available from the implementation of MStar SES.

Training Management Services

Capturing the training details including the details of the teacher trainees, training courses and teacher educators help enable relationships between the teacher performance and the training institutes. Such linkages help provide vital feedback to the teacher educators and training institutes, on teachers’ performance in schools.

Since training institutes are already equipped with IT infrastructure, the same is leveraged for deployment of training management services. Governance of DIETs, RIEs and similar pre-service and in-service training institutes are enabled through these MStar services.

Services to provide interfaces for private / unaided schools for reporting school particulars

While MStar SES targets government and aided schools, our services provide interfaces to unaided schools for submitting the school details as mandated by the school education department.

Scheme Implementation Services – Student and School Centric

A lot of schemes implemented by States and Center are based on the student and school data available from the schools. MIS based on quality data can aid in better design of the schemes. Also such data can enable in minimizing the leakages and more effective implementation of the schemes that can ensure that the benefits or entitlements reach the targeted beneficiaries.

  • MIS services for Scheme Design
  • Application, approval and disbursement services for schemes such as scholarships for students
  • Auto Indent (for recurring) and distribution services for schemes such as free text books, bicycles and others
  • Advance notification services to the targeted beneficiaries (students, parents, community, schools) of the schemes regarding approvals and disbursement
  • Scheme lifecycle services for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), Mid-Day Meals Scheme including receipt and approval of proposal, allocation of budgets, and monitoring the physical and financial progress of the scheme implementation.

MGRM School Board Examination and Certificate Services

MGRM provides for State Level Examination and Certificate Issuance. The complete examination cycle, right from receiving the nominal rolls of the students from the schools, verification, assignment of examination centers, issue of hall tickets, and publishing of results. Services include creation of State Level Certificate Repositories or integration with the national certificate repository will form scope of these services.

School Regulation and Affiliation Services

MGRM Provides for Affiliation, Inspection and Accreditation Services. MStar SES facilitates affiliations, and subsequent accreditation with inspections and audits in-between. These help the District Educational Officers to maintain standardized quality across the entire district in an easy and motivated way. School recognitions, renewals, inspections related services may be enabled. The suite of services include affiliation of schools and renewal, annual and surprise inspection, accreditation and re-accreditation (where applicable) among others.

Admissions Management Services

MGRM Online Admission facilitates students to apply and enroll in various premier state institutions.

Hostel Management Services

MStar SES provides various services related to management of hostels by facilitating hostel inmates, capturing available infrastructure, inventory and facilitating maximal usage. The services aid in efficient management of hostels.

SMS Alerts:

To parents, pertaining to

  • Student Attendance, Teacher Attendance
  • Assignments: given to the student, Missed submission of the assignment by the student
  • Curriculum Planning: Progress of the curriculum / lesson plan, teachers falling behind on the curriculum / lesson plans
  • Assessments: Assessment dates, Student missing the assessment, Assessment results, Availability of mark sheet
  • School Calendar: events in school calendar such as start of vacation, unforeseen events etc.