MStar™ Education Expert Systems are applications that completely integrate all academic and administrative departments within an educational institution and cater to the requirements of all elements within the domain of education, viz., Student, Teacher, Alumni, Management and Parent.
MGRM’s Multi-Completeness Education e-Governance platform integrates the Government Bodies (Ministry, State Education Depts., District, Block and Village Education Officers) with the Educational Institution (School, College, University, etc.) on one hand and the Public on the other. These systems make Managing, Scheduling, Tracking, Analyzing and Reporting institution specific information and data.
MStar™ Systems are e-Governance compliant, OmVcard driven, integrated applications for schools, colleges, universities, technical institutes and other educational institutions. The proprietary OmVcard is the Online Multi-domain Value Card that provides personalized and controlled information access to MStar and M-Power, the community portal of MStar users.
To know more Contact us.