MStar™ Shaala Darpan

'Shaala Darpan' is a mirror or a reflection on your institution function. MGRM provides not just a reflection, but an integrated vison of your institution. At a glance you can understand how its working. In fact you go several steps ahead by enabling and empowering your stakeholders through MStar Applications, Products, Services and Tools to help them function efficiently effectively and optimally.

Objectives of this Mission Mode Project (MMP) includes

  • Enable improvement in quality of learning
  • Improve efficiency of school administration and governance of schools
  • Improve service delivery of school education department to the key stakeholders including students, parents, community, teachers, and schools
  • Access to near real-time and better quality data for decision support

Core focus areas

Three core focus areas have emerged for the MMP namely

  • a) School Administration Services
  • b) Learning Support Services
  • c) Governance of School Education

Features of the system shall include

  • School Profile Management: Record the details of the schoolsuch as student strength, location of the school, staff strengthand a brief description of the school
  • Student Profile Management: Maintain the student recordsfor all student such as student profile, parent profile, siblingdetails, attendance, heath, mark sheets, scholarships etc.
  • Employee Information: Manage school staff details.
  • Student Attendance: Capture daily student attendance
  • Leave Management: Capture daily staff attendance
  • Report Cards: Provides interface to record grades for studentsand publish the same in a grade book.
  • Curriculum Tracking: Capture the curriculum & lesson plansand record the progress of the curriculum & lesson plans
  • Custom Reports: Provides reports for School Management &Administrators

MStar is your key to a beautiful and efficient Institution. MStar is the umbrella brand of MGRM for products and services in the educational domain. The service domain includes pre-schooling and early childhood education, Primary Education, Secondary and Higher Education, Skills Development and Placement. Our offering in these basic educational subdomains are enhanced through our Accreditation, Teacher Training and other services.

Salient products offered under MStar Shaala Darpan, namely (i) MStar School Expert System (ii) MStar Learning Support Platform (iii) MStar Analytics are highlighted below. The entire system is driven through the OmVcard. Messaging through SMS and other means is embedded within the platform.